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Work With Me

Simply goodness; for body, mind and well being

My Passion through Cultivate Life is sharing about healthy eating, eco, well-being and money saving topics. Here are just a few ways you can work with me;

  • Nutrition adviser (healthy eating and weight management)

  • Speaking engagements

  • Workshops, seminars & webinars (businesses, schools, and community groups)

  • Guest Blogs

  • Podcasts

  • Sponsored collaborations

  • Coaching

About me

This started when I realised that has always been a way of life for me.

Healthy eating: It’s obvious what healthy eating can do for our mental
wellness, bodies, and families. I share ways to live well without costing
the earth. I’m also a big believer that good nutritious food should be
(and is) available to all. Easy recipes, reduce food waste tips all add up
to eating well. Foraging is also a passion that connects us to the
outdoors, which also helps with de-stress. Being connected to the
seasons with our food also has a whole host of benefits.

Eco-living: This began when I was working as a ‘Green roadshow’ leader
amongst different types of businesses where I would engage employees
about all things CSER. What struck me the most was that many teams
and staff members wanted to make ‘green choices and live eco
responsibly’ but would ask me how can I start? Where can I make better
green choices? This led me to write & champion more ‘Eco-living
material, as looking after the earth directly involves each and every one
of us, now & many generations to come.

Money-Saving: This has been a more recent topic and affects so many
people. I love ways to share about money-saving, as it improves
lifestyles’, and often gives peace of mind (which can reduce stress).
There’s so much consumer choice and that can be overwhelming.
Money-saving is more about culturing a non-waste culture (which also
ticks the eco box too). It’s not about living less, but living more, with
more options to spend on other things. If I saved you money today and

you were able to treat yourself or your family to something special,
surely that’s a win?

Here are a few ways you can work with me;
please email to discuss.

 * Speaking engagements
  * Well-being, eat healthier, eco-living & money-saving workshops,
    seminars & webinars (businesses, schools, and community groups)
 * Guest Blogs
 * Podcasts
 * Sponsored collaborations
 * Ways to ‘eat better and reduce food budget’ coaching

 Take a look at my new book Forager's Notebook 


Looking Forward To Working With You



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